Monday, May 11, 2009

What's a good video camera for recording right on to SD cards?

I used to use the cannon ZR series but i've read about the panasonic D-snap. Is it good? is there a better one? i really want to record right onto the card to make transfer easy.

What's a good video camera for recording right on to SD cards?
yes, the panasonic d-snap av-100 is the best as far as 1 ccd, it shoots in mpeg2 and is very small, size of a pack of ciggerettes. Its been out for a while but can get it on Ebay for lot less than retail. Recently I tested mine with mini-sd card and it works fine with adaptor. I take mine skiing, skating or whatever! I have dropped number of times and still works great. If you want a great quality cam with no moving parts, thats small and affordable, get the av-100, they have now a 3 ccd cam version but nothng is as small as the av-100, ppl use these for helmet cams as well.. Also takes stills but the video is the best part, mpeg2/dvd quality, and 10x optical zoom!!
Reply:I love my Kodak Z740. =-)

vacuum deodorizer

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