Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How do I get songs from micro sd card to show up in phone?

I have a Motorola Razr V3m and I just bought a micro sd card with and SD transflash adapter. I transferred some of the music from my computer onto the micro sd, but when I put the card into my phone, the songs that I added are not showing up. I tried changing the format from mp3 to wav, but that did not make a difference. How do I get the songs to show up on my phone?

How do I get songs from micro sd card to show up in phone?
I have a BB Pearl thru TMo.

Sometimes I have to take my battery out and wait about 30 seconds and put it back in. Then my songs will appear.

That MIGHT help. If you havent tried that yet. =}
Reply:That is the problem with Motorola's phones. I used to use krzr phone and it was giving me the same problem. Try restarting your phone (turn off, and on again) a couple of times and it will show up. But the next time you take the micro sd out, the same problem will happen again. Good luck

Btw, i've changed to Nokia now, my krzr suddenly died and can't be turned on again, and I won't buy a motorola ever again
Reply:Try taking off all the songs and put the memory card into your razr first and see if you see anything about formating you memory card. then when ypu put your memory card back into your computer there should be folders like music or audio( i dont know the exact names because I had a slvr but i had the same problem at first)and put the mp3 files into music.

if you need more help try here


they have alot of phone info and extra stuff if you want to customize stuff

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