Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What's the difference in SD memory cards? Are there better or worse ones to get?

What brands and kinds should i use? I'm obviously not a pro, but i bought a nice digital SLR and would like to learn how to use it to its potential. thanks.

What's the difference in SD memory cards? Are there better or worse ones to get?
I've used Fujifilm and SanDisk cards in several cameras over the past 4 years without problems. SanDisk is often "on-sale" locally, which is why I bought more of them.

Kodak has the better warrenty on their SD cards, but tend to be quite a bit more expensive. I dunno if a big warranty is worth it - I've never had a card fail in 4 years. Ask yourself what are the chance that you'll keep your existing camera for four years, and buy a new one using the same card ?
Reply:I now have a bad experience with Kingston SD Card- Elite Pro 256 Mb. My other cards are Kodak 1 GB and Lexer 128 Mb, and are working just fine. I used the late Canon S3 IS when the Kingston malfunctioned. Report Abuse

Reply:I take or try to take very good photos using good techniques, and am just frustrated to know, after making different methods to recover my files, that my photos are emtirely unrecoverable. One thumbs down for Kindston. Report Abuse

Reply:They're all pretty reliable but there are differences in speed. The SanDisk Extreme is very fast if you want to fork out the extra cash. And, of course, if your camera is fast enough to take advantage of the extra performance.
Reply:SD memory cards are really good... ive taken up to 300pics with a 120mb card... the smaller the mb... the less pics u can take... the more mb or gb... the better... since u can take alot of pics... but it also depends on ur camera's capacity...

Hiking Shoes

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